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MMDB CLI Installation 🧰

MMDB CLI is a command line tool that ships as a single binary file. You can download the binary file from the GitHub releases page and install it on your system by following the instructions below.

Supported Platforms

macOSarm64 (Apple Silicon)

Note: If your platform is not listed above, you can build the MMDB CLI from the source code. Please refer to the Building from Source section for more information.

Note: We mainly test MMDB CLI on Linux (amd64) and macOS (arm64). If you encounter any issues on other platforms, please let us know by creating an issue on our GitHub repository.


We also provide deb and rpm packages for Linux distributions that support these package formats. You can download the package from the GitHub releases page

Package FormatArchitectureSupported

Installation Instructions ( Linux Package Manager )

We currently provide deb, rpm, and apk packages for Linux distributions that support these package formats. You can download the package from the GitHub releases page and install it on your system by following the instructions below.

Debian and Ubuntu

  1. Check the latest MMDB CLI rpm package version and architecture
export MMDB_CLI_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4 | sed 's/v//') 
export ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
  1. Download the .deb package using curl or wget
curl -LO "${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}/mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_linux_${ARCH}.deb"
  1. Install .deb package using apt
apt install ./mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_linux_${ARCH}.deb
  1. Verify the installation by running the following command.
mmdb-cli version

RH-based (RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux)

  1. Check the latest MMDB CLI rpm package version and architecture
export MMDB_CLI_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4 | sed 's/v//')
  1. Install .rpm package using yum or dnf
dnf install "${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}/mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_linux_amd64.rpm"
  1. Verify the installation by running the following command.
mmdb-cli version

Alpine Linux

  1. Check the latest MMDB CLI apk package version and architecture
export MMDB_CLI_VERSION=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4 | sed 's/v//')
  1. Download the .apk package using curl or wget
curl -LO "${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}/mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_linux_amd64.apk"
  1. Install .apk package using apk
apk add --allow-untrusted ./mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_linux_amd64.apk
  1. Verify the installation by running the following command.
mmdb-cli version

Installation Instructions ( Pre-built Binary )

Linux and macOS

  1. Choose the version and platform you want to install from the GitHub releases page.
export MMDB_CLI_VERSION=0.5.0
export MMDB_CLI_PLATFORM=linux_amd64
  1. Download the MMDB CLI tarball using curl, wget, or any other tool.
  1. Extract the downloaded tarball.
tar -xzf mmdb-cli_${MMDB_CLI_VERSION}_${MMDB_CLI_PLATFORM}.tar.gz
  1. Move the extracted binary file to a directory in your PATH.
sudo mv mmdb-cli /usr/local/bin/
  1. Verify the installation by running the following command.
mmdb-cli --version